Variation und Wandel der Pluralformen von sein in den Dialekten Salzburgs
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Variation und Wandel der Pluralformen von sein in den Dialekten Salzburgs: Keynote Article. (2024). JournaLIPP, 7, 18-38.


This contribution deals with the variation and development of the plural forms (present tense, indicative, active) of the verb sein (Engl. 'to be') in the different dialect regions in the Austrian state of Salzburg. Results from a real-time as well as an apparent-time study are presented, which were carried out within the SFB-project (FWF F60) "Deutsch in Österreich" (DiÖ, Engl. 'German in Austria'). The data come from different survey contexts, e.g. the "Sprachatlas Salzburg" (Scheutz 2017; Engl. 'Language Atlas Salzburg') and the DiÖ-project (Budin et al. 2019). Alongside the alternation of initial phonemes h and s and the variation of the Stammvokal a and ai in the 2nd person plural, especially the variation and development of the suffixation of the 1st/3rd person plural is demonstrated and discussed. The results provide broad evidence for the idea that change in the Bavarian dialects of Austria today is mainly attributable to advergence towards a supra-regional variety (regiolect, standard variety) and can hardly be modelled in the sense of intra-language compensation.

Keywords: dialect change in Austria, advergence, verbal plural morphology, real-time and apparent-time study

This paper is in German.

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