About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Regularly published online journal of the Graduate School Language & Literature - Class of Language

The journal was founded within the framework of the former "Linguistisches Internationales Promotionsprogramms LIPP" (today Graduate School Language & Literature - Class of Language) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich.

It offers young researchers from different linguistic subdisciplines the opportunity to publish first results or completed studies.

The events that inspired the launch of the JournaLIPP are the regularly held LIPP-symposia that provide a platform for young national and international researchers as well as experts to present their projects.

The platform is offered by the University Library of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. The doctoral students of the Graduate School are responsible for the journal and compiling entries thus have the chance to acquire experience in the areas of editing and publishing.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Editors and editorial board

Overview latest issues, editors and editorial board:

No. 1 (2011): Sprachvariation im europäischen Kontext – Language Variation in Europe and Beyond


  • Conceicao Cunha
  • Sylvia Jaki
  • Tabea Reiner
  • Ursula Stangl

No. 2 (2013): Sprachwandel – Language Change


  • Malgorzata M.V. Kozyra
  • Philip J. Pfaller

No. 3 (2014): Gefährdete Sprachen – Endangered Languages


  • Patricia de Crignis
  • Melanie Eibl
  • Katharina Franko
  • Nikolas Koch
No. 4 (2015): Sprachinnovation: Motivation - Erscheinungsformen - Verlauf – Language Innovation: Mativation - Manifestations - Stages
  • Filip De Decker
  • Katharina Jakob
  • Matthias Klumm
  • Markus Kunzmann
  • Isabell Lindbüchl
  • Taja Stoll


No. 5 (2017): Grammatikalisierung in interdisziplinärer Perspektive – Grammaticalization from an interdisciplinary perspective


  • Martin Eberl
  • Sara Ingrosso
  • Enkhmaa Narmandakh
  • Sebastian Ortner
  • Katharina Scholtz
  • Aleksander Wiatr

No. 6 (2019):  Language in Contact - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow


  • Katharina Bader
  • Teresa Barberio
  • Elisabeth Huber
  • Sebastian Lasch
  • Veton Matoshi
  • Ann-Marie Moser
  • Jenny Robins

No. 7 (2019):  Language Variation: Research, Models, and Perspectives


  • Michael Breyl
  • Yossef Pinhas
  • Elizabeth Stadtmiller